Wednesday, June 5, 2019

The Bond

Lets say you did not do anything wrong and the police arrest you and you go to court they got to prove that you did it or not and if you do not have enough money for a bond they can throw you in jail Until your Trial comes up.

A lot of black people do not have enough money for a bond and They do not have the money for the bond that is why a lot of black people are in jail.

I went up to talk to a police officer he said " Jail is a good place and it's not that bad." But Fantasy police and My parent will says jail is not a safe place it's a horrible place to be in. And their write police in real life do not care they just like to arrest people.

But fantasy police will try to scare you on not to go to any prison. Prison is no joke and you might think it's a joke.

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