Big Nate was another New Nickelodeon Cartoon The came out in February 17 2022. Big Nate was creted by Lincoln Peirce was The author and the Illusators of Big Nates Books because I guess Big Nate started as a book and then becuase I Tv show on Nickelodeon.
I do not know that show very well becuase I was never a fan and I never read about it I only know that show for seeing it on Nickelodeon .com or commercials on TV.
Nickelodeon does now Have as Many New cartoon come otu as they used to because accord to what My Father said TV puts shows on they want people to watch first for example Lets say I wanted to watch Fanboy and Chum Chum right away on The TV guide They might show Sponge =Bob first or the Fiarly Odd Parent s Next before Fanboy and Chum Chum comes on.
And now thanks to the ineternet I can Just Type in Fanboy and Chum Chum and it will pop up abd I can watch now if I want to.
And not only that If some TV shows Like Tak and The Power of Juju That is not on TV anymore I do not see it on TV guide anymore I can just go on the Internet and Type in Tak and the power of Juju and a lot Of Tak and the of juju comes up.
Same thing can be said with Big Nate Let say you want to watch Big Nate and it is not one TV anymore you can just go on the internet and See Big Nate if you want and see his shows an episodes,