I heard that if you have Dish and if their is bad weather the TV goes off without you turning it off.

Satellite is then Same thing as Dish and Fios is the Same thing as Verizon. Some people have Verizon TV cable some people have Comcast and Some people have Dish and some people do not have ether one.
Their are other TV cables there are named T-Mobile first came out in October 19, 2005 and Direct TV first came out in June 17, 1994.
Dish,Fios and Comcast is the only three TV cables I know and probably what most people know. And maybe in the future instead of having a TV Book. If you do not know the channels name type in the channel name on the remote screen and the remote screen will show people what channel number is your favorite channel really on. There will be letters and numbers on the future TV Remotes