They did the voice of one of Clyde's Dad's. Mr. Brady, does the voice of Harold McBride and Mr. McDonald does the voice of Howard McBride.
Wayne Brady was also on the Wendy Williams, show. Wayne was also on the Wayne Brady show and Movies Like Stuart Little 3, Clifford's really big movie.
I used to watch that show on PBS Kids. Now however, I do not watch it. Brady was on the Disney, cartoon Sofia The First.
Wayne was born in June 2, 1972 in Columbus, Georgia. His children are Maile Masako Brady. Micheal McDonald was born in February 12, 1952. He's children are Dylan McDonald and Scarlett McDonald.
That it what it said I did not know That I wrote the right Michael McDonald That Does The voice of one of Clyde's Father's because his picture he look a little young in the video that I just Put Up
On the show The Loud House Clyde the cartoon character said he had a Grandma he calls her Nana I would Like to do the voice of Clyde's Grand mother.
My mother says "If I man marries another Man The other Man might change his last name to McBride on the show maybe his name was some thing else." My Mother said some thing like that I do not remember
what she said.