But Dannah was in my favorite shows that use to be on Nickelodeon Called the Mighy B!
She did the voice of penny and Penny was Bessie Higginbottom's friend and Bessie was my favorite character on that show.
Phirman was also in the Nickelodeon TV Show called Tak and The Power of Juju it does not come on Nickelodeon any more.

I wish it will come back on TV again and The Mighty B those shows should have more shows and the creators of those shows should try to get more people to watch their shows they created.
I think Those Nickelodeon shows if they come back on TV the commercial will say " Tak and the power of Juju and The Mighty B! is back !"
And Bessie are back on TV those character might even look the same but more modern at the same time that is what I want to see on Nickelodeon.
Ms. Dannah was born in April 22, 1975 in Israel I thought see was born in America because the she sounds when she does the voices of Cartoons.