Now I do not hear her on radio as much any more. Online I saw song album's of Mary's music.
When I was younger I probably did not know what she sounded like. I only knew how she sounded singing in the past. Because when I was younger I never heard her speak.
Now I know how she sounds a lot even when she speaks. This is because I am older and also watched the movie Betty & Coretta that she starred in on television.
In that movie Mary was playing that character Betty Shabazz who was married to Malcolm X. That movie Betty & Coretta was about civil rights.
In that movie I saw the part where Betty got burned in the movie. I thought that the white people or police have burned her my father said "It was her grandson burned her." Then I was yelling crying and shocked. That's because I never heard of a child burning their grandmother or other family members.
Ms. Mary Blige was born in January 11, 1971 in The Bronx, New York City. Her parents are Thomas Blige and Cora Blige. My favorite song from her is only love