Abby and Brittany Hensel wear on the health channels and on TLC and they are also known as the conjoined twins. I feel sorry for them because it's sad they are conjoined.
When I was in High I heard they some babies can be conjoined and it does happend and it's sad. The Hensel sister shared two sets of lungs kindneys heart spines and I do not rememember the other body parts they shared but the doctor did say some thing like that.
Abby and Brittnany where born in march 7, 1990. they are conjoined but that did not stop them from living their life. The good news is they are teachers now at a elemtary school and that is how you over come your challenges.
I read they are the most famous cojoined twins. I saw a baby and people say he looks like a alein and people can be mean and I never saw Abby and Brittnany get bullied but who knows people did not bully them on the show because maybe they are sorry that they are conjoined.