Saturday, April 9, 2016

Women bodys and mans bodys work

Women Are not as stronger as men usually that is why people say boys are stronger that girls because that is the way the body's are build women get there period because that is how they make babies some women can not have babies maybe something wrong with there body.

Some women are on medication so they can not get there period because the main reason women that have really bad stomach cramps or there get very sick or vomiting the is why they are on medication so they can not get there period.

Men do not get there period they do not have eggs in the body or the have a sperm. Women Dischange comes out of there vagina if it a clear color that is normal if is a yellow or a yellow-green color your vagina will itch inside and out side if it has discharge for ever.

Men Genus does not get itchy more then a women's vagina  because vagina is inside the body and penis out side.

Men get semen because it is when they get older if there penis starts to sweat it could make there penis itch if there have semen or work out.

People say Vagina looks like a flower and penis looks like a banana some times a penis looks like a hot dog. a Penis is long and it stick out and a vagina is round and it opens that is reason boys stand up to pee or girl sit down to pee.

If your see a man sitting down on the toilet people will say I know he is making bowl move it or if a man is standing up that means he is peeing.

 Now women or girl people do not know if there are making bowl move meant or urine because she has to sit down to make both.  

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic!!! I have a better understanding of sex differences and development for both sexes as well as environmental influences and impact on the brain.
