Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Is a movie that came out in 2016 I never seen there commercial on TV when is it going to be out in the movie theater's it's one of my favorite movie because My favorite celebrate Nat Wolff does the voice of this character Victor and this other guy named Dane DeHaan.

Dane was doing the voice of Victor of one of the movie trailers then Nat Wolff replaced him to do the voice of Victor.

If that movie has a DVD coming out it probably will say on you TV screen Nat Wolff doing Victors Voice and you click play and it will play the movie for you or on your TV screen if it says say Dane DeHaan as Victor if you click on that button on the TV screen it will play the movie and the same characters voice will sound different because different people are doing the voice of that character.

If you are buying the DVD the cover might say Dane Dehaan's name and the character Victor will sound like Dane Dehaan or if the DVD cover says Nat Wolff's name the character Victor will sound Like Nat.

When Dane does the voice of Victor his voice sounds deeper and Nat voice sound higher because Dane is Older then Nat. The movie use to be called Leap now is Called Ballerina it's the same movie all though some of the same movies change there names.

I also saw another man who did the voice of that character Victor so I never saw three people doing the voice of the one cartoon character in the same day maybe  those people that created the movie have those more modern soft ware to do that.

My Favorite character in the movie is Victor because he looks like Nat Wolff and Victor also likes to be an inventor in that movie.

 I would like to create my own toys and soft ware one day Like would like the software to be like if you day dream about your own cartoons the computer if it's water proof or not it will read your mind the computer will only work when it's not and it will put you imagination on the internet if you wanted their.

That would be a good way to make movies and if the computer reads your mind what ever you are imagining in you head how you want your characters to sound and look your imagination will look exactly the same on your computer as it did in your imagination.

If I create that soft ware people will say " wow my imagination in my head that the computer read in my mind my imagination looks the same on the computer." And your imagination on your computer will look the same is it do in you mind.

But the soft ware I would like it to be good for peoples minds and to not kill people if the use it to much. 

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