Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Rainbow Pasta

I heard that rainbow pasta taste really good. It's probably one of the best pasta's on the planet because people like colorful things.

 I saw this women name Linda Miller it does not say when she was born or who her parent's are when I look at her name another Linda Miller popped up on the computer screen.

This woman does not but food coloring in the pasta is uses Stuff that comes from nature like Veggies and Fruits.

She make red,orange,yellow,green,blue and purple pasta. I will like to try her pasta one day and maybe it will be in the store one day.

I know Usually they put spinach in the pasta dough to make it green that is why the pasta is green they put tomatoes or beet to make the pasta red.

 They use carrots or tomato's to make the pasta orange and The put corn to make the pasta yellow or the  do not put any veggies in it that is what makes the pasta whitish color.

Black pasta reminds me of black think spider webs I do not like black pasta Black pasta is made from
squid ink.

I never tried purple pasta or blue pasta before. They put blueberry's to make the paste purple and they put butter fly pea flower to make the pasta blue.

A girl at my school took me that she heard homemade baked Rainbow macaroni and cheese I will love to try that one day.

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