Sunday, September 23, 2018


Wonder is about a Boy Named August who is delayed in some things and children made fun of him. Auggie that is his Nickname I do not remember what the Illness he has but I Know some thing was wrong with his face.

This is based on a true story and I read the Book before I watched the movie. A boy Named Jack was mean to August at first then Jack wanted to know why Auggie was Angry at him and jack figured out that he was mean to Auggie.

Julian was Mean to August and He said to Jack " Are you going to hang out with that freak!" Then Jack punched Julian in the face. In the Book It said that Jack's mother was at the principals office but in the movie it never showed Jacks mother was in The principals Office with him.

Before children where on Julian's side then they became on the neutral side The classmate put pencil Shaving in Juilan's Backpack.

There was this girl named Summer That was Nice to Him But Auggie became mean to her because he thought she was pretended to be nice to him But she was really trying to be nice to him before she did not understand why August was mean to her and now she understands.

In The story Auggie Dog Daisy died and The they got a new dog named Bear. August went camping and August his friends Amous and Jack and some other guys they got bullied buy bigger boys and they fought them back and Auggies friends where being Like his body guard.

After camp Auggies classmates and the children that he goes to school with where talking about the bullies at the other school when they where camping.

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