Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Adult Stuff

Well lets talk about gambling if you think you going to get something and you get it you win money if you think you going to get something and you do not get it you will lose money.

 But the rules should change a little if you think your going to get something and you do not get it you will not lose our get more money you will have a little more money or the some amount of money that you have.

Let say children can get arrested and go to Juvenile that is a prison of children under 18 years of age any 10 - 17 years of age is called a Juvenile and if the hit an adult or any body first they might get hit back because they know better and they can go to Juvenile for doing that to.

Or lets say a 12 year old does something really bad they might go to jail or Juvenile. It's a Horrible place at jail and Juvenile becasue there's a lot of bad people there.

Well lets say you are a good person and you hit some one because you have a bad temper you still can go to jail.

If a person is good but has a Bad temper they should not go to jail they should go to a anger management place. Jail or Prison should only be for bad people.

I heard I police office arrested a man with Down Syndrome because he was attacking somebody and I also saw a police Officer has beated up another guy with Down Syndrome.

I also hear the story with a girl with autism could not speak and the Police Officer said " Were's your address!" and he was chocking her.

We need more special Needs Police Officers if any Special needs Child is out of control they should but them in a special need prisons it's like they help people with special needs and teach them that you have to control your angry.

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