Friday, January 18, 2019

The Boondocks is back

My dad said "they are being the Boondocks back." and I said " are they going to call it season 5." My father said " I do not no they going to call it season 5."

If they do not call it The Boondocks any more. Aaron that is the creator of the Boondocks should call it the Freeman Family because Huey and Riley Freeman and there grandad are the Freeman family.

They also say They are going to being The Boondocks back with a video game and that will be my new favorite video game.

Maybe also they should show Huey and Riley's parents on what really happened to them in the story maybe they should say whats Huey and Riley's dad's name is and Maybe they should say Huey and Riley mother maiden name is and her first name and her middle name is.

My also in the Freeman family they show Huey and Riley in a boxing ring with each other because they like to fight maybe Huey and Riley should wear boxing head gear and boxing gloves when there are in the ring.

I am not stealing the creators ideas I just giving him some Ideas of what he should called The Boondocks. A lady on face book said maybe I should call may cartoon girl power because My cartoon girl wearing boxing.

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