Clyde from the new nickelodeon cartoon The Loud House Fantasy that is the cartoons reality.
It use to be real people's reality when their where spiritual cartoons millions of years ago now their reality is in the real world according to my opinion.
Clyde is boxing in Nickelodeon Fantasy real he is Clyde screams like a girl and Tak they both say "Hi ya" you want a piece of me can't catch me"!
In a high squeaky voice also Fanboy from fanboy and Chum Chum other Nickelodeon cartoon says that to.
Clyde, Tak and Fanboy were in karate all red boxing gloves red boxing headgear, rainbow Nike sports Sneakers , sometimes they wear white or black karate uniform, and they wear a yellow shirt.
They are on the same karate team because those three cartoon boys are all on the same channel.
Nickelodeon cartoons know each other they know each other they do not know other cartoon on other channel like PBS Kids Sprout or hub.
The Nick cartoons know them from television but they do not know them personally. Both cartoons are on Nickelodeon I do not care if they old are new if they are on the same television channel they know each other like a family.
Disney might be A different channel than Nickelodeon but all of the the Disney and Nickelodeon cartoons know each other personally because Disney Owns Nickelodeon. For example if Hub owns Sprout then all of the Sprout and Hub cartoons will know each other personally.
But really so far as I know Hub does not own Sprout so all the cartoon characters do not know each other that good.

One boy said to me Tak and Fanboy do not know each other because old cartoons can not meet new cartoons I disagree on him if an old are a new cartoon are on the both same channel like nickelodeon they will know each other or close family.
But if both new cartoons on is on sprout and one is on Nickelodeon they will not know each other because they are on different channel if an old cartoon is on Sprout and the new cartoon is on Nickelodeon they still will not know each other.
It is also a better idea if the cartoons knows the other cartoon from the same channel because we do not want the cartoons getting mixed up all people will not know what channel their from just choose the channel that you cartoon wants to be on.
Like if a dog are a cat is 7 or nine years old in fantasy in cat or dog years or a year in human years they are still cartoon they will not exist in real live.
Like in reality if a cat or dog is a year in human years 7 or 9 years old in dog or cat years in fantasy they will be a million years old in human years in dog or cat years they will be 7 or nine million years old, Cartoon animals and insects do not exist in reality so they are less than seconds old.
But real animals that live in reality are 1 to 20 years old in humans years in fantasy they will be a million to 20 million.
All real animals and real people are millions of years older then cartoon people are cartoon animals can not create real people can create cartoons like God can create real people and cartoons. And it's just the same thing that real people can not create God.
Will cartoons now ever become real people millions of years from now some people might say no but what I believe that they do not know what is going to happen millions from now in the future.
Maybe those cartoons know will become real people in another planet almost the same as Earth or maybe if real people die and go to heaven maybe millions of years later.
God will show us how the cartoon look like if they become Real people God is the all might and Powerful.
Even they do not they might become a Realistic Spirit To me a Realistic Spirit is A cartoon character now God might show you in heaven how they would look if they are a real person millions of years in the furture.
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