Her parents are Brad Simpson is the father and Angie Simpson is the mother.
Alli Simpson was born April 24,1998.
Alli Simpson lives in Los Angles California my celebrity's and famous people live in New York City or California because that obvious famous people usually live in New York City or California because that were the television places are.
Alli Simpson's birth place was Golcoast Queensland Australia.
One time I saw the news when I was walking down to New York City I see that a lot if we even going to New York City annd my father works for celebrity's and other famous people they are famous jazz artist who make a lot of music on the stage.
Alli Simpson worked with Madison Pettis in the video on the website on the internet called You Tube.
Madison Pettis does the voice of cartoons when I was younger I did not know Madison Pettis could do the voice of cartoons I thought that was not really her thing now I know a lot that Madison Pettis does the voice of cartoons.
But one day I will like her to be a voice of my cartoons that I created.
When I remember Alli Simpson on Television she goes shopping at the mall that a lot of teen male and female celebrity's love or very obsessed with buying very nice clothes.
Alli Simpson is a very Beautiful young women Like Madison Petttis or Lannie Macneil that plays the mean girl Patty Farrel on Dairy of the wimpy kid full movie.
I wish that I lived in Nevada the State because the state Nevada is much bigger than New Jersey I used to see Miranda Cosgrove in Mountclair New Jersey.
That in my own opinion is one of the worst States on the planet and also in my own opinion that Nevada is one of the best states because I want to see celebrity's for years non stop also Nevada is a better and hotter place to live.
But when I turn on the heater in the winter I speak to my father is it hot like the state Nevada then my own father says yes.
For years I want to become famous I didn't asked my own father because when I was three I wanted to become a famous girl but I was younger my father says you are going to become famous but my fathers friend says your famous you just don't known it yet.
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