she was on the show called I Carly on the channel Nickelodeon know she not doing a lot but started to do a lot again she does the voice of cartoons like one cartoon she was despicable me she does the voice of Margo.
One time a saw Miranda Cosgrove on stage were I used too live in New Jersey.
The fans were dancing like crazy but before a even went to the Miranda Cosgrove consent my father said Miranda Cosgrove is coming to New Jersey than I ask Question's a lot about Miranda Cosgrove than my father said why did I say that.
I know why he said it because my father knows I Like Miranda Cosgrove.
after the concert I wanted to meet Miranda Cosgrove.
Also she has done Television show on Nickelodeon called I Carly Miranda Cosgrove played Carly Shay on one episode the present Barack Obama's wife Michelle Obama was on the show I Carly.
She was dancing with Carly a lot also she was on the commercial of Nickelodeon world wide day of play.
Miranda Cosgrove was born in May 14,1993 in Los Angeles California she look very pretty but Miranda Cosgrove is tall for a 22 year old younger girl .
She was discovered at a young age singing and dancing around a table in a restaurant, where an agent saw her talent and quickly signed her. Miranda's career started with commercials for Burger King, McDonalds and more as she auditioned for many roles and finally won her first role as the band's manager in the movie, School of Rock (2003).
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