But my father said no "because it had bad words in it." And he felt it was an adult movie. I was a little sassy about it but as I got older they let me watch it. That is because I am older and more mature enough to watch it now.
I have also heard and know those words (like profanity) that older people are saying in the movie. Now the movies I am allowed to see are PG 13 or even sometimes rated R. It depends on what type movie it is whether my parents will let me watch the film.
I always ask my father " am I your Little Miss Sunshine" then he usually replies "yes you are my only Sunshine".
I am also interested in making movies. Some of the movies I want to make are like PG 13, rated R, or just PG movies.
I also want to create my own cartoons. I would like the cartoons I make and own to be seen on television on the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. My father says my own "cartoons are getting to be as good as the cartoons on television." That has made me feel very very very happy!
Abigail Breslin's parents names are Micheal Breslin and her mother is Kim Breslin. I am trying to make my own cartoons that I created more popular than the popular cartoons now.
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