Traditional Christ and Scientific forensic version from Popular Science |
God knows everything he knows what happens in the past. He knows what is going to happen in the future.
I spoke to my mother that my father said no God does not know what is going to happen in the future. Then My mother said "he did not understand what you were talking about."
I looked on the internet and typed in the search engine how old is God? Some people wrote on the internet so far God does not exist. Oh but yes he does.
Think about it if there was no God there would just be no universes, Earth, Sun, moon, or anything. It would probably be just pitch black all over in my opinion.
People have to believe in God because someone had to create this Earth. And that someone is God.
Like if people draw Jesus in movies as a white person with straight hair my parents are upset because it is like they changing history. Jesus is really darker because he was from a hot climate near Africa and the Hebrews intermarried with Africans from Egypt and Northern Africa.
A lot of people draw people from in the bible times like Moses and his wife or his brother and sister as lighter because this stupid racist society. In many churches they saw Jesus as a white man with blond hair and blue eyes in some churches.
If I had my own church I would try to make Jesus black and draw a picture from him a lot darker than people do now. Because he was born near Africa with his blessed mother Mary. Many of the early pictures of Jesus were depicted as Black my dad informed me.
People do very mean things on the internet. Some have made God a bad man. They depicted a cartoon made God shoot the person with a gun. That is not how God is.
In Adam and Eve were the first people on this planet. Adam heard a voice. Adam said who are you God? God said "I am God." And Adam and Eve disobeyed God so he and the angels took them out of the garden.
Adam and Eve then had children and then grand children. And that is how the bible started because Adam and Eve told their children and their grand children down the generations.
Adam and Eve heard God out loud because there were the first people. Even if there were a lot of animals back then the animals did not speak to God. Because that is not how he created animals he created the first people and people now to speak.
The first people heard God out loud because they where the first couple of people on this planet that days.
There was not billions of people on this Earth like now.
That is why people do not here God from there ear and some here Gods voice not out loud but very quiet.
Because you know if there is one person on this planet and Billions from people are talking to him all at once people can not here what he is saying because there is one of him and billions of people speaking all at once.
If the one person and there is just a couple of people on this Earth that is when those couple of people could hear the one person better becuase there are less people on this earth.
On time I heard a small voice next to my ears I knew that was God because he said it from his ear he said do not listen to the devil listen to me.
Lets say if I wanted God or Imagine things that his said and I want him to say bad things about me He would say.
"Do not even think about it I would not say that I heal people not hurt people that is the devil saying that is God saying I want you to hurt your self the Devil is tricking you."
Gods age is there are to many numbers in his age only he can pronounce them well nobody can pronounce them well because God is the all mighty and powerful and his was before time that is why there are to many number in his ages that people can not pronounce.
Adam and Eve were adults on earth but there where babies in heaven they were still real people and looked like real people Millions of years before that when they were created with real dirt.
On the Earth and the were new born babies that are real people that were born in a hospital up in heaven there were 2D or 3D cartoon draw even before that stick figure and 1D cartoon because God wants to know how they would look like if they become real people.
People say Oh my God on television or Jesus Christ for no reason all people should not say that because that is very disrespectful and that is saying God's name in vane even if people believe diffident that is the way my parents were teaching me when I was younger.
Or saying Lord Jesus or Jesus that is saying God's name in vane our heavenly father. Nobody say that in my opinion but listen to you parents to if they do not think that is saying God's name in Vane it would be a lot better not to say that.